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How to add Products

Simple vs Variable Products

  • Simple Products: These are single items with no variations. They have a fixed price and no options for the customer (e.g., a single T-shirt in one size and color).

  • Variable Products: These are products with variations, such as different sizes or colors.  Each variation can have its own price, SKU, stock level, and other properties. (e.g., a bar of soap that comes in multiple sizes, and sents).

Adding a product to your Handmade Texan store is a straightforward process. This guide will help you add your products to your store.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a Simple Product

  1. Log in to Your Vendor Dashboard

  2. Navigate to the Products Section

    • Once logged in, you will be redirected to your Vendor Dashboard.

    • In the left-hand menu, click on “Products”.

  3. Add a New Product

    • Click on the “Add New” button at the top of the Products page.

  4. Select Product Type

    • In the dropdown section, make sure “Simple Product” is selected.

      (Note: This covers only simple products, which are single items with no variations such as size or color. If you are looking for variable products, please click on “Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a Variable Product” in the table of contents on the right)

  5. Downloadable

    • If your product is downloadable, please check the “Downloadable” box.

  6. Enter Product Details

    • Product Title: Enter the name of your product.

  7. Set Product Price

    • Regular Price: Enter the regular price of your product.

    • Sale Price (optional): If you want to offer a discounted price, enter it here and set the sale dates by clicking “Schedule”.

  8. Description

    • Short Description: This text will be shown by the product image and price. Provide a quick overview of your product.

    • Description: Provide a detailed description of your product in the main text area. Include key features, benefits, and any other relevant information.

  1. Inventory

    • SKU (optional): Enter a unique identifier for your product if you use SKUs.

    • Stock Status: Choose whether the product is in stock, or out of stock, or on backorder.

    • Manage Stock: If you want to manage stock, check this box and enter the stock quantity.

    • Sold Individually: Checking this box will restrict customers to only being able to purchase one of these items at a time.

  2. Shipping

    • Weight: Enter the weight of your ready-to-ship product (Box and packing material included).

    • Dimensions: Enter the length, width, and height of your product.

    • Processing Time: This will let your customer know the time required before sending the item for shipping.

  3. Linked (Optional)

    • Up-sells: You may add your existing products here that you would like to recommend. These are typically your more profitable or higher-end products.

    • Cross-sells: You may add existing products that would be recommended based on the current item. These will show in the cart area when they are making their purchase.

  4. Product Policies

    • If this product has a different shipping, return, cancellation, and/or exchange policy than all of your other products, you can specify that here. (Please note that your policies must be in agreement with the policies set forth by Handmade Texan. You may add to, but cannot take away from our standing policies For more information, please view our policy pages.)

  5. Product Image

    • Click on the image placeholder on the top right-hand sidebar.

    • Upload or select an image from your media library that best represents your product.

  6. Product Gallery (optional but highly recommended)

    • Add additional images to showcase different angles or details of your product.

  7. Product Categories and Tags

    • Categories: Select one or more categories that fit your product. Use the closest one possible if you don’t see an appropriate category. If you think we need to create a new category, please contact us at support@handmadetexan.com.

    • Tags: Add relevant tags to help customers find your product through search. It is recommended to use about 10 – 15 tags. Not enough and customers will have a harder time finding your product. On the other hand, if you have too many, this is called tag saturation and will have the same effect.

  8. Save and Publish

    • Once you have completed all the necessary details, click the “Publish” button to make your product live on the site.

Final Tips

  • Ensure all product images are high quality and accurately represent the item.

  • Provide detailed and clear descriptions to help customers make informed purchasing decisions.

  • Regularly update your stock status and prices to keep your store accurate and reliable.

Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a Variable Product

  1. Log in to Your Vendor Dashboard

  2. Navigate to the Products Section

    • Once logged in, you will be redirected to your Vendor Dashboard.

    • In the left-hand menu, click on “Products”.

  3. Add a New Product

    • Click on the “Add New” button at the top of the Products page.

  4. Select Product Type

    • In the drop-down section, make sure “Variable Product” is selected.

(Note: This covers variable products, which will include variations such as size or color. If you are looking to add single products, please click on “Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a Single Product” in the table of contents on the right)

  1. Enter Product Details

    • Product Title: Enter the name of your product.

  2. Set Product Price

    • Regular Price: Enter the regular price of your product.

    • Sale Price (optional): If you want to offer a discounted price, enter it here and set the sale dates by clicking “Schedule”.

  3. Description

    • Short Description: This text will be shown by the product image and price. Provide a quick overview of your product.

    • Description: Provide a detailed description of your product in the main text area. Include key features, benefits, and any other relevant information.

  1. Inventory

    • Skip this for now, we will come back to this.

  2. Shipping

    • Weight: Enter the weight of your ready-to-ship product (Box and packing material included).

    • Dimensions: Enter the length, width, and height of your product.

    • Processing Time: This will let your customer know the time required before sending the item for shipping.

  3. Attributes

    • Click the “Down Arrow” to expand this section.

    • Click the “Active” box.

    • Enter the name of the attribute (e.g., Size) and the values (e.g., Small|Medium|Large|Extra Large|XXL). ~ IMPORTANT ~ Make sure to separate your values with “|” (Shift and the button above the enter key on your keyboard). Do not use a space between values.

    • Make sure to check the “Used for variations” box, if it is not already checked.

    • Ensure the box next to “Visible on the product page” is checked.

    • Click “Add” to add additional attributes, if needed.

  4. Variations

    • Default Form Values: Use the drop-down to select the value you would like to set as default.

    • Variation Bulk Options: This is an advanced setting that can be used to set bulk options of all variations at one time. This can be skipped with setting up your first products. In the drop-down below, select the first value you would like to update, then click the blue ‘Down Arrow’ to expand the field.

    • Enable: If you would like to disable/enable the variation.

    • Virtual: Leave this unchecked

    • Manage Stock: Check this if you would like to track the stock of this product.

    • Image: Upload or select an image from your media library that best represents your product.

    • Regular Price: Enter the regular price of your product.

    • Sale Price: (optional): If you want to offer a discounted price, enter it here.

    • Stock Qty: Enter the quantity of stock you have for the variation of this product.

    • Backorders: This will allow you to choose what happens when an item is out of stock.

      • Do not allow: Your customers will not be able to purchase items that are out of stock. This selection is recommended for everyone.

      • Allow, but notify customer: This will notify the customer that you are out of stock and will allow the customer to purchase the item anyway. You will be responsible for all sales of items wether or not you have them in stock. Always make sure you can fulfill any sales.

      • Allow: (NOT RECOMMENDED) This will not notify the customer that you are out of stock, but will allow them to purchase them anyway. You will be responsible for all sales of items wether or not you have them in stock. Always make sure you can fulfill any sales.

    • SKU (optional): Enter a unique identifier for your product if you use SKUs.

    • Below you will be able to add select additional variations of your products to modify them individually.

  1. Linked (Optional)

    • Up-sells: You may add your existing products here that you would like to recommend. These are typically your more profitable or higher-end products.

    • Cross-sells: You may add existing products that would be recommended based on the current item. These will show in the cart area when they are making their purchase.

  2. Product Policies

    • If this product has a different shipping, return, cancellation, and/or exchange policy than all of your other products, you can specify that here. (Please note that your policies must be in agreement with the policies set forth by Handmade Texan. You may add to, but cannot take away from our standing policies For more information, please view our policy pages.)

  3. Product Image

    • Click on image placeholder on the top right-hand sidebar.

    • Upload or select an image from your media library that best represents your product. This will be your primary product image.

  4. Product Gallery (optional but highly recommended)

    • Add additional images to showcase different angles or details of your product.

  5. Product Categories and Tags

    • Categories: Select one or more categories that fit your product. If you don’t see an appropriate category, use the closest one possible. If we need to create a new category, please contact us at support@handmadetexan.com.

    • Tags: Add relevant tags to help customers find your product through search. It is recommended to use about 10 – 15 tags. Not enough and customers will have a harder time finding your product. On the other hand, if you have too many, this is called tag saturation and will have the same effect.

  6. Save and Publish

    • Once you have filled in all the necessary details, click the “Publish” button to make your product live on the site.

Final Tips

  • Ensure all product images are high quality and accurately represent the item.

  • Provide detailed and clear descriptions to help customers make informed purchasing decisions.

  • Regularly update your stock status and prices to keep your store accurate and reliable.


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